El Cor d'Horta i Mercat

The capability and energy of commerce in the popular district of Horta.

Up to the beginning of the 20th century, Horta was mainly an agricultural area, where mostly everything that was being cultivated was used for the farmers' own consumption. It wasn't until this ex-village of El Pla de Barcelona became part of the city and the urbanization around Les Santes Creus and Eivissa squares -where the municipal market was located for a long time- took place that an important commercial activity started shaping up in the area, and from which the current Cor d'Horta i Mercat area sprung. This apparent youth hasn't been an obstacle for the district's commercial development.

Customer Service

Passatge Vila i Rosell, 8
Tel: [+34] 93 429 07 31
Fax: [+34] 93 429 07 31 
Email: info@corhorta.com
Web: www.corhorta.com


Opening hours:

Monday to Friday from 09.30 to 14.00 h.

Picture of one of the streets in the el Cor d'Horta i Mercat shopping hub

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