Barcelona’s Fire Brigade take part once again in the latest “Bombers amb Causa” solidarity calendar

Thu, 03/08/2023 - 13:31

Safety and prevention. The photos have now been taken for the 2024 edition.

Yesterday saw the completion of the photo-shoot for the coming year’s calendar. The connecting thread is fire fight self-protection and the tasks or elements used in prevention, which is the chosen theme for this year’s edition.

The brigade have had very special helpers for this: the children being treated at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Barcelona and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Terres de Lleida. The aim of the photo sessions is to provide an unforgettable day through the children’s involvement with the fire fighters in a fun and enjoyable way.

The solidarity calendar was first created in 2011 (this year’s will be the 13th edition), and involves not just Barcelona’s Fire Brigade but also those of the Catalan government, Andorra and Val d’Aran.

The Bombers amb Causa project has raised 800,961 euros since its launch, thanks mainly to proceeds from sales of its calendars and from other solidarity initiatives. Last year saw 99,000 euros raised from those sales, earmarked for Hospital Sant Joan de Déu’s research programmes in children’s illnesses, and for several social care programmes for children at risk of exclusion.