Family Dance Workshop with Linn Johansson

La Caldera is hosting an activity to promote enjoyment of dance through play and bodily exercises.

Dance can strengthen body and mind, offering limitless possibilities for self-discovery and enjoying the company of others. Make the most of this opportunity to create a union between parents and children and establish a new, different bond. A chance to gain physical knowledge and liberate your body. Through play and bodily exercises, for a moment you can leave behind your usual role and reencounter your children from another position, thus gaining confidence in your own body and the other person.


A workshop based on the varied techniques of contemporary dance and life itself, a source of space simply for creativity and for spaces for communication derived from body language and fantasy.

c/Eugeni d'Ors, 12
08028 Barcelona

Metro: L3 les corts
Bus: 59 , H8, 70, 75, L12, V3
Bicing: 202, 200, 199

Saturday 29 September, 5-6:30 pm
Length: 1 h 30

5 € per person.
Places available here.



Recommended age: 4 and above
No prior knowledge necessary, just willingness to take part.

Organized by: La Caldera