Image-space: Video mapping, expanded cinema and augmented reality

Using research on video art, perception and IT programming, this course approaches video mapping as a creative instrument for producing scenes of augmented reality, exploring digital optical illusion and immersive and spatially-distributed visuals experiences that establish meaningful dialogue between the virtual and physical worlds.

c/ Emilia Coranty, 16 (antic passatge Marquès de Sta. Isabel 40) Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona

Metro: L1 (Glòries) L2 (Bac de Roda) L4 (Poblenou)
Autobús: 7, H12, H14, V27, 192, N8, N11
Tramvia: T4 (Pere VI)

8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 29 & 31 May 2019, 6:30-9:30pm

Length: 24 hours

200 €

Registration at: aquí

The workshop is aimed at audio-visual artists, IT specialists, researchers in digital art and communication, 3D designers and architects and publicists and designers of interactive experiences. Others who may find it of interest include media historians and researchers in the fields of philosophy, education and psychology.

No previous experience in programming is required.

Organiser: Hangar. Workshop led by