Paratext no. 37 Hangar

At Paratext, Hangar residents present in various formats their own projects or aspects of their residency work. These sessions are open to the public and intended to promote its participation and interaction with the artists.


At the 24 July session, the following artists will present their projects: Julia Spínola, who works in the field of sculpture and drawing, on the established relationship between body and movement and the search for a correlation or system; Sandrine Deumier, who is developing multifaceted poetry centred on technological change and the performative space of poetic language conceived through new technologies; Lara Fluxà, who reimagines and alters moderating instruments and processes by broadening their possibilities and generating new readings; and Jeanine Verloop, who borrows from craftwork and technology to evoke a world of imagination.

c/ Emilia Coranty, 16 (antic passatge Marquès de Sta. Isabel 40) Can Ricart
08018 Barcelona

Metro: L1 (Glòries) L2 (Bac de Roda) L4 (Poblenou)
Autobús: 7, H12, H14, V27, 192, N8, N11
Tramvia: T4 (Pere VI)

Wed 24 July 7pm at Sala Ricson


All welcome

Organised by: Hangar