To Quico Rivas. For a Revolution of Daily Life
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

Previous activities / Seminars and talks

Quico Rivas
Foto Paquico Navarro - Archivo Quico Rivas

To Quico Rivas. For a Revolution of Daily Life
Fran G. Matute and Pepe Ribas


Friday, 6 September, 7 p.m.
LAB. Admission is free.

Presentation of the book A Quico Rivas. Por una revolución de la vida cotidiana (To Quico Rivas. For a Revolution of Daily Life, Athenaica, 2024), by Fran G. Matute. The author will be accompanied by Pepe Ribas.

“I myself cultivated the legend of my bad reputation, which is the only respectable reputation,” said Quico Rivas (Cuenca, 1953 – Ronda, 2008) in his last interview. At once elusive and excessive, unique and multifaceted, he dedicated his entire life to art criticism, curation of exhibitions, journalism and research, as well as artistic, literary and even musical creation. But above all, he was devoted to political-cultural agitation and to the depths of the night, using his driving spirit to bind together the cities of Seville, Madrid and Barcelona and to shape a significant part of La Movida (a countercultural social scene) and its milieu its milieu. He was anarchic and an anarchist despite his aristocratic lineage (or precisely because of it) and always lived comfortably on the margins of official history. Nevertheless, his fascinating life story includes encounters or clashes with such famous personalities as Pedro Almodóvar, Alberto García-Alix, Leopoldo María Panero, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Paloma Chamorro, Juan Tamariz, Federico Jiménez Losantos, Santiago Auserón, Ceesepe and Kiko Veneno. One of our most untamed and unclassifiable intellectuals, he left behind an inexhaustible trail of texts and ideas, of actions and omissions, finally compiled here to his greater glory.

Fran G. Matute is a journalist, professor and cultural manager and critic. He was the curator of the 2017 travelling retrospective Días de viejo color. Vestigios de una Andalucía pop (1956-1986) (Days of Old Color: Vestiges of a Pop Andalucía (1956-1986)) and is the author of the monograph Esta vez venimos a golpear. Vanguardismos, psicodelias y subversiones varias en la Sevilla contracultural (1965-1968) (This Time We're Here to Make a Splash. Avant-Gardes, Psychedelics, and Various Subversions in Countercultural Seville (1965–1968), published in 2022).

Pepe Ribas is the founder of the legendary magazine Ajoblanco (first period, 1974-1980) and the author of the fundamental monographs Los 70 a destajo. Ajoblanco y libertad (The Seventies in Overdrive. Ajoblanco and Freedom) (2007) and El año en que pasó todo (The Year Everything Happened) (2024). He also curated with Canti Casanovas the large retrospective exhibition Underground y contracultura en la Cataluña de los 70 (Underground and Counterculture in 1970s Catalonia) (2022). 

Fran G. Matute (foto Juan Carlos Vázquez)
Fran G. Matute (foto Juan Carlos Vázquez)
Pepe Ribas (foto de Ángel L. Fernández)
Pepe Ribas (foto de Ángel L. Fernández)