Barcelona Cultura

7 pieces travel to Pedralbes monastery

Once again, several pieces from the museum’s collection will form part of an exhibition. In this case, “Les dones també seuen. Espais i mobles femenins dels segles XVI i XVII” (Women also sit. Feminine spaces and furniture of the 16th and 17th centuries) is the title of the exhibition that will be held in the monastery of Pedralbes starting on 10th October.

On this occasion, the 7 pieces will help to reconstruct the female imagination and the role of women during the Modern era. This is a selection of fashion accessories from the 16th and 17th centuries, such as gloves, shoes, tapins (satin shoes) and bags.

The exhibition, curated by the art historian and specialist in Catalan furniture Mònica Piera, revolves around the role of women, their occupations and duties both within and outside the cloister. You can visit the exhibition from 10th October 2017 until 18th February, 2018.

Ajuntament de Barcelona