Barcelona Cultura

The Museu del Disseny in #Museumweek

A week. Twitter. Seven hashtags. A slogan: Women and culture. This is the proposal of the  #MuseumWeek 2017, after four years of increasingly latent success, and which brings together more than half a thousand international institutions.

Started in France in 2014, this initiative encourages galleries, libraries, archives and museums around the world to participate and interact with their fans and users. The 2016 edition dealt with memory and the conservation of cultural heritage. This year it has wanted to place an emphasis on tolerance, life in society, freedom of expression and the figure of the woman in culture and history (#WomenMW).

Just like every year, we at the Museu del Disseny will be actively participating in order to give our perspective and to shine the light on some of the pieces from the collections and the Documentation Centre. It will be seven intense days in which we will work with seven hashtags on Twitter: #booksMW, #foodMW, #musicMW, #sportsMW, #travelsMW, #storiesMW and #heritageMW

Are you ready to tweet?


Ajuntament de Barcelona