Initial assessment of the ‘Connectem Barcelona’ project in Trinitat Nova

26/01/2022 - 16:19 h

Digital divide. Preliminary evaluations by ICT officers show that the initial goals are being achieved.

The thirty organisations participating in ‘Connectem Barcelona’ got together to make an assessment of this pilot project launched in Trinitat Nova in October to help reduce the digital divide for vulnerable families. The initial balance from ICT officers, tasked with providing support during the rollout of the project, show that the initial goals are being achieved: to provide more opportunities for people on the scheme to access ICTs and to improve their digital skills and personal autonomy in digital environments.

The first quarter concluded with 277 people benefitting from materials, a quality laptop and adequate connection. The combined worth of these donated materials has been calculated at 283,674,47 euros, with the second stage of deliveries to more specific groups to come.

The team of ICT officers, contracted by BIT Habitat, have been on hand permanently at the local community centre, at the Punt Òmnia and at the Institut Escola de Trinitat Nova, providing proactive ongoing support for an experimental group of nearly ninety users. The main task has been to resolve queries and needs relating to specific aspects of the use of internet devices.

The project now moves into a new stage where training will be rolled out over the course of the academic year, mainly centring on the resources offered by Barcelona Activa and those offered by collaborating companies and organisations and project volunteers.

Profile of participants

Of those benefitting from the scheme, 76% are women: 29% were born in Spain, while 71% were born in other countries, with significant diversity in terms of their country of origin.

Some 32% have primary school qualifications at most, while 33% have secondary school qualifications. Most participants are unemployed (51%) and 91% work, or have worked, in the services sector.

In terms of the digital profile of beneficiaries, 76% have an internet connection at home but 24% do not. Consequently, the profile is one of a user with relatively limited access to the internet, despite having mobile data on their phone (88%).

Aspects valued by ICT officers

Some of the most positively valued aspects included the satisfaction of users, who proved interested and motivated by the programme, the provision of connectivity, devices and training support.

Another notable aspect was the fact that the support and digital skills-acquisition process meant an opportunity to work on areas such as personal, emotional and social support that goes beyond the digital question.

The technical office will now conduct quantitative follow-up for ‘Connectem Barcelona’. The results of the project will help define and quantify digital policies to eliminate the digital divide all around the city and foster a fair digital transition.