Working groups

Some of the BIC projects offer the possibility of participation to interested entities. Below you will find the details of the calls and the conditions for participation:

1st Call Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility:
Motorcycle Accident Challenge

Publication Date: 20/01/2023

Application Deadline: 01/03/2023

Objective: to reduce the motorcycle accident rate in Barcelona
Conditions: present an innovative solution with the potential to create a pilot that can be tested in the city

Who can participate?

  • Microbusines and start-ups
  • Associations, foundations, and cooperatives
  • Universities, research centers, and consortia
  • Companies

Barcelona Deep Tech Fund Call 

Publication Date: 30/12/2022

Application Deadline: 31/12/2023

Objective: to invest in newly created companies in the Barcelona area, operating in the DeepTech field, which includes the development and use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, massive data processing technologies, cloud computing, blockchain, natural language processing, cybersecurity, biometrics and digital identity, green algorithms, or deep learning

Conditions: submit the Expression of Interest, the Sponsorship Letter, and the indicated Registration form to the City Council
Who can participate?

  • Venture capital entities sponsored by actors from the local technological development ecosystem, such as universities, research centers, technology centers, etc.