
Hivernacle is back!

Arnau Rovira (photography) and Arauna 131 (design)
50 x 70 cm
Urban ecology

The Hivernacle plant house in Parc de la Ciutadella has just been renovated, following a long period closed to the public. Barcelona thus regains a building with 135 years of history and with significant natural and cultural value. Besides recovering the building’s original appearance and splendour, the re-opening gives members of the public access to an outstanding historical facility devoted to nature and biodiversity, and which will help turn the Ciutadella into a leading European hub for knowledge, research and innovation.

The poster shows detailed photographic images that highlight the most characteristic architectural and decorative elements of the Hivernacle, drawing on the graphic style used in all the communication initiatives for the overall project for the Ciutadella del Coneixement.