“Yes to free sex (free of infections)” for safe sex
Health. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be prevented, treated and cured.

The report “Health in Barcelona” turns 40 with improvements in most indicators
City Council. Most indicators reflect an improvement thanks to early detection and the implementation of health policies.

Montserrat Roig Awards for Journalism and Social Communication 2023 awarded
Inclusion. The 31st edition of the awards recognises a TV3 report with accounts from victims of the only recognised case of substitutionary violence in Catalonia, a campaign by the Fundació Privada per la Lluita contra l’Esclerosi...

The new HUB Alzheimer Barcelona represents a step forward in the research and knowledge of this disease
NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES. This pioneering project in Alzheimer's research is driven by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and promoted by the Barcelona City Council, with the participation of public hospitals and specialized...

End of the project presentation stage in the Participatory Budgets
Participation. This edition of the Participatory Budgets attracted 1,739 project proposals in all, with all city neighbourhoods represented.

Follow the UNESCO Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination in Barcelona live
Antiracismo. It will feature the participation of Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO; Ana Redondo, Minister of Equality; Salvador Illa, President of the Generalitat, and Mayor Jaume...

Green light to build five new health centres
Health. The City Council and the Government of Catalonia establish the definitive locations, with 140,000 people in the city to benefit.

The municipal aid operation for the storms in Valencia starts on reconstruction
Climate emergency. In all, 340 workers from the City Police, the Fire Service, the CUESB and Urban Services have made the trip to Valencia.

The suicide prevention helpline handles 20,000 calls since its launch
Mental health. The suicide prevention helpline is part of Barcelona City Council’s suicide prevention strategy, within the Barcelona Mental Health Plan. The service has been jointly funded by the Government of Catalonia’s Ministry...

Public tender for the construction of 600 social rental flats in Barcelona receives 277 bids
Housing. The tenders issued by the Catalan Land Institute (INCASÒL) will be decided in the spring of 2025 and will allow 11 developments to be built on land ceded by Barcelona City Council.