
Community Learning Laboratory (LAC)

02.02.2018 – 04.02.2018

Activities in the second series of workshops
Community Learning Laboratory (LAC)
Friday 2 February at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge
Wednesday 4 February at Can Masdeu, Camí de Sant Llàtzer

The Laboratory as a mechanism of generating its own community learning proposals through art and teaching, and as a generator of actions.

This winter marks the start of the activities of the laboratory’s second series of workshops, with two proposals on offer: the Teleidoscòpi(c). Ludic Community Manifestations workshop, and the Building Ecotopia workshop, both held in the last four months of 2017.

Both proposals are soon to be open to the public at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge and Can Masdeu, coinciding with the Vivers d’Aprenentatge’s OPEN week.



L L U M * L U Z [Light]
Artistic activity
Friday 2 February
From 6–6.30 p.m. at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge

The L L U M * L U Z activity grew out of the Teleidoscòpi(c) collective, stemming from one of the workshops organised by the Community Learning Laboratory. This workshop tackled the subject of artistic action as a reflection and creation of knowledge, aimed at interrogating the community and gathering desires and concerns about reciprocity and the forms of developing conscience through art, through its ludic aspects and games.

Activity carried out with the collaboration of Sofia Lans.

This activity has been collectively designed to be held on 2 February, the darkest day of the year which marks the beginning of the nights drawing out. It is the intermediate astrological point between the winter solstice and the summer equinox. Its significance and celebration dates back centuries, found in different places and cultures around the world.

In the day-to-day of Las Ramblas and its adjacent spaces, we find a flow of people consisting of one of the highest concentrations of cultural diversity in our city. The performance revolves around the element of light, aiming to create a relaxing atmosphere through a sequential journey carried out via micromovements, contrasting with the normally absent-minded and automated movement of people as they pass through the public space. The artistic activity crosses the Palau de la Virreina’s passageway as a space of movement on Las Ramblas, connecting it with the seasonal solar event, the Festival of Light or Candlemas, through the medium of symbolism.

With this proposal, we aim to embrace the possibility of recognising the link that we, as human beings, have with the planetary cycles through the seasons, from the feeling of belonging, the cultural link and richness of human complementarity

Interaction activity as part of the Building Ecotopia workshop at Can Masdeu’s PIC (Collserola Interaction Point).
Wednesday 4 February
Ecotopic Workshop, from 4–6 p.m.

Can Masdeu, Camí de Sant Llàtzer

The construction of an achievable ecotopia is a task which is dependant on the actions of all people, and the collective collaborations that we establish to achieve improved environmental and social conditions. The process of learning that prepares us for doing this is also a process of commitment and mutual trust, which is given dynamically between people, communities and environments.
We have approached these reflections in the Community Learning Laboratory workshops, which have shown us that, beyond the difficulties, actions of understanding and recognition that lead us to a real transformation are possible.

We want to share the Building Ecotopia workshop, held in the Community Learning Laboratory over the last few months, with the participants of Can Masdeu’s PIC 4F day. We feel that it is an unbeatable opportunity for finding out what they thought of the experience; a work based on group dynamics and routes around outside spaces, with which we have been able to delve into the methodological, reflective, symbolic and practical aspects that can help us to form part of active networks in the construction of a new ecological citizenship. A learning process that has crossed several thematic areas, such as transition, eco-feminism, self-knowledge and community knowledge.



El Laboratori d’Aprenentatge Comunitari és una iniciativa de Sitesize per a La Virreina Centre de la Imatge.

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