Universitat Lliure de Barcelona
20.05.2021 – 22.05.2021
Thursday 20 May from 6.00 to 9.00 pm
Friday 21 May from 6.00 to 9.00 pm
Saturday 22 May from 12 midday to 2.00 pm
The Para k kieres saber eso? (What Do You Want to Know that For?) project is encompassed within the working and production dynamics of the Grup d’Estudi, a group that concerns itself with the task of cataloguing and proposing new ways of presenting artistic productions in public and which advocates absolute mobility with regard to joining the group and in relation to its members.
Grup d'Estudi met a group from Mexico called Paraíso Conceptual that is identical in its structure and interests to the Grup d’Estudi, to the extent that it seems to be a parallel world.
As a means to explore this symmetry between the two groups in greater depth, Grup d’Estudi is plagiarising one of Paraíso Conceptual’s activities, Para k kieres saber eso?, an activity of knowledge transfer within the framework (and as a presentation) of the Universitat Lliure de Barcelona, the brand of which is owned by the Grup d’Estudi.
We will learn to play the triangle, to fish with flies and to find fanfics. We will listen to a dystopia on the Teletubbies, the exploits of an educator at a science museum and the tricks of a professional in second-hand good sales using apps, etc.
Thursday 20 May from 6.00 to 9.00 pm
- Rade Prole: “Com fer bombolles de sabó als parcs”
- Roger Coma: “Com i per què fer el teu pa”
- Blanca Utrillas: “Cómo hacerte amiga de la ansiedad y el miedo para q te sirvan para hacer cosas”
- Maria Freire: “Com introduir-te al somni lúcid i al viatge astral. Tutorial definitiu per escapar del cos”
- Abraham Orriols: “Com adquirir trucs i tècniques per a una bona locució”
- Alba Àvila: “Com fer veure que ho saps tot”
- Ariadna Font: “Cómo resolver tus dudas con el Tarot sin conocer el significado de las cartas”
Friday 21 May from 6.00 to 9.00 pm
- Neus Masdeu: “Com trobar pis bueno bonito barato”
- Efrén Arteaga: “Cómo crear una canción o beat de House en media hora"
- Berta Esteve: “Com buscar fanfics: moure's en arxiu fan per a una experiència afectiva òptima”
- Neus Martínez: “Com recuperar les columnes de lliure expressió de la ciutat”
- Mireia González Boluda, Marina Berges i Sandy Moldavia: “Com fer una orgia en temps pandèmics: Un recorregut per varies aplicacions i jocs d'avatars”
- Daniel 2000: “Com reviure espais morts a casa”
- Roc Pont: "Com vendre a Wallapop"
Saturday 22 May from 12 midday to 2.00 pm
- Martí de la Malla: “Com fer boletes de sorra”
- Aitor Nieto: “Cómo analizar los dispositivos de coerción de movilidad? Viajar sin ticket y la guerra urbana de baja intensidad”
- Representant del sindicat d’habitatge: "Com aconseguir coses cridant"
- Oriol Rodríguez Romeu: “Com fer mosques per pescar”
- Max Azemar: "Com viatjar barat"

Produced within the framework of the Creation Support program of ”la Caixa” Foundation