Francesca Bria participa al debat “Beyond the Smart City: Democratizing innovation while putting citizens first” al SCEWC 2017 : Servei de Premsa

Francesca Bria participa al debat “Beyond the Smart City: Democratizing innovation while putting citizens first” al SCEWC 2017


Temps estimat de lectura: 1 minut

Dimecres 15 de novembre, a les 14:15hores, (Auditori Gran Via, Halle 2, Room 3),  la Comissionada de Tecnologia i Innovació Digital, Francesca Bria, participa al debat amb Geoff Mulgan, CEO de Nesta, Christian Rickerts, State Secretary at the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprise de Berlin, Paola Pisano, Assessore all’innovazione de Turí, Jeff Merritt, Director of Innovation de New Yor City i Andrey Belozerov, Strategy and Innovations Advisor to CIO de Moscow.

Prèviament, a les 12:30 hores,( Smart City Village), Francesca Bria, participa al 4YFN al SCEWC 2017 on parlarà de “privacy, trust, decentralized data management and the leading role of Barcelona in citizen engagement”.

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