Translator of google :

The monumental site in Plaça del Rei is the founding nucleus of the MUHBA and has been since the museum was set up in 1943. The remains at the Plaça del Rei monumental site are from different times in the city’s history: Roman Barcino in the 1st century BC, the Visigothic Barchinona of the 7th century AD, and 13th century medieval Barcelona. The underground visit allows you to take a walk through Roman Barcelona, get a close look at the city walls dating from that period, step into a 2nd century AD ‘dry cleaners’, see the vestiges of the city’s first Christian community, and more. 

- Barcelona Flashback, a historical overview

- Barcino and Barchinona, the Roman and early medieval cities

- El Palau Major de Barcelona


MUHBA Museu d'Història de Barcelona - Plaça del Rei

Plaça del Rei, 7*9
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic