Accessibility declaration of: Meet Barcelona

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 SeptemberOpen in a new window (over 90% of the pages fulfil half or more of the applicable criteria), due to exceptions and a lack of conformity with aspects stated in the section on non-accessible content.

Accessible content

  • Coherent structure

    Headings and labels: it is also ensured that the texts of headings and labels actually describe the content.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.4.6.

  • Page titles

    The page titles provide the name of the website and section so that users can contextualise where they are.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.4.2.

  • Text alternatives

    Label in name: the text alternatives correspond to the content, both visually and programmatically.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.5.3.

  • Forms

    Changes of context: no changes of context which might distract the user while entering data do not occur in any form.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 3.2.2.

  • Language

    The language of the pages and parts of the content in a different language are correctly marked.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

  • Keyboard browsing

    Focus: the keyboard focus indicator is visible when passing through all the elements and no changes in content are caused by changes in context. Furthermore, the focus has enough contrast and a minimum area and is never fully hidden from the user.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.4.7, 2.4.11 and 3.2.1.

  • Purpose of the links

    The purpose of the links is correctly described. The icons that work as links have text alternatives that make it possible to understand their destination or purpose.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.4.4.

Non-accessible content

  • Web browser and devices

    There are pages that cannot be viewed correctly on all web browsers or devices.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.3.4 and 4.1.1.

  • Coherent structure

    Coherent structure: there are pages without a coherent structure (menus, headers, lists, tables, help mechanisms, etc.).

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.4.1, 2.4.5, 3.2.3, 3.2.4 and 3.2.6.

  • Controls for content in movement

    Controls: sufficient controls are not provided for content that is automatically reproduced or intermittent.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

  • Text alternatives

    Text alternatives: some images, text images and/or icons do not contain sufficient text alternatives.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.1.1.

  • Colour contrast

    There are colour contrast barriers in text elements and interactive elements.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.3 and 1.4.11.

  • Identification

    Use of colour: there are elements that convey information based only on colour.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.1.

  • Forms

    Labels or instructions: there are forms with incorrectly associated labels or without accessible labels.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.3.1, 3.3.2 and 4.1.2.

  • Keyboard browsing

    Keyboard: keyboard browsing is not completely fluid or does not follow the visual order correctly.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4 and 2.4.3.

  • Zooming in

    Text zoom-in: the website content is not viewed correctly when the text size is increased to 200%.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.4.

    Text images: there are some text images.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.5.

    Reflow and spacing: when expanding content to 400% or spacing the text, part of the content may be lost.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: 1.4.10 and 1.4.12.

  • Third-party code

    The website uses third-party codes that do not comply with accessibility guidelines.

    Corresponding WCAG criteria: all the criteria.

  • El web podria contenir contingut que no entra dins de l'àmbit de la legislació aplicable:

    1. Formats d'arxiu d'ofimàtica publicats abans de 2018.

    2. Contingut multimèdia pregravat de base temporal publicat abans de 2018

    3. Contingut multimèdia en directe de base temporal

    4. Serveis de mapes i cartografia en línia si bé la informació essencial es proporciona de manera accessible digitalment en el cas de mapes destinats a finalitats de navegació.

    5. Continguts de tercers no finançats ni desenvolupats per l'ajuntament de Barcelona.

    6. Reproduccions de béns de col·leccions del patrimoni que no es poden fer plenament accessibles per alguna de les causes següents:

      1r Incompatibilitat dels requisits d'accessibilitat amb la conservació del bé de què es tracta o amb l'autenticitat de la reproducció.

      2n Indisponibilitat de solucions automatitzades i rendibles que permetin extreure el text de manuscrits o altres béns de col·leccions del patrimoni i transformar-los en continguts compatibles amb els requisits d'accessibilitat.

    7. Continguts d'extranet i intranet entesos com a llocs web accessibles únicament per a un grup restringit de persones i no per al públic en general, publicats abans del 23 de setembre de 2019, fins que aquests llocs web siguin objecte d'una revisió substancial.

    8. Continguts de llocs web i aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils que tenen la condició d'arxius o eines d'arxiu perquè contenen únicament continguts no necessaris per al desenvolupament de tasques administratives actives i que no han estat actualitzats ni editats després de 2018.

  • Disproportionate burden: Non-applicable

Preparation of this accessibility declaration

This declaration was prepared on 29/10/2024.

The method used for preparing this declaration was an evaluation carried out by a third party [la consultoria d'accessibilitat TOTHOMweb SL] as part of the collaboration with the Accessibility Office of the same organisation.

Last revision of the declaration: 29/10/2024.

Observations and contact information

Communications may be sent about accessibility requirements (Article 10.2.a) of Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 SeptemberOpen in a new window, such as:

  • Notifying any possible non-compliance by this website.

  • Communicating other difficulties in accessing content.

  • Requesting information and content excluded from the directive's scope of application.

  • Formulating any other query or suggestion for improvement relating to the website's accessibility.

Through this formOpen in a new window.

The communications will be received and processed by the Accessibility Office, as the responsible Barcelona City Council unit.

Application procedure

If the response to the notification or the request is unsatisfactory, as stipulated in the European directive (article 7, section 1, letter c), you may file a complaint with the: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation - Secretary General of Digital AdministrationOpen in a new window.

Barcelona City Council's commitment to accessibility

Periodically, the City Council carries out internal audits and consultancies in order to deal with possible non-conformities and achieve full accessibility to the website, making it possible for anyone to use it, regardless of their capability.

The development of websites is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.2Open in a new window, at AA level, as established by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

If you find any obstacles on the site, please point them out using this formOpen in a new window.