A head count finds 895 people sleeping rough in the city

A head count finds 895 people sleeping rough in the city

20/05/2021 - 17:52

The head count of homeless people in the city was conducted in the early hours today and found 895 people sleeping rough in the city, along with 3,046 staying in municipal facilities or accommodation run by different municipal entities. The count was organised by the Care Network for the Homeless (XAPSLL) and involved 633 volunteers.

This year’s figures reflect a similar number of people living rough over the last three years and a significant increase in beds available in accommodation in facilities, where personalised and specialised care is increasingly prioritised to provide the most suitable response possible.

This is the seventh head count to be organised in the city as a public awareness activity conceived by social organisations making up Barcelona City Council’s XAPSLL network. The count could not be carried out as planned last year, owing to the outbreak of Covid-19. The last count was in 2019, when 956 people were found sleeping rough and 2,130 in facilities operated by the XAPSLL.

According to the data collected, the distribution of people sleeping rough by district was:

  • Ciutat Vella: 176
  • Eixample: 212
  • Sants – Monjuïc: 155
  • Les Corts: 33
  • Sarrià – Sant Gervasi: 34
  • Gràcia: 65
  • Horta – Guinardó: 22
  • Nou Barris: 34
  • Sant Andreu: 51
  • Sant Martí: 113


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