Work starts on a new block of flats with social rents and for the elderly in Trinitat Vella

Work starts on a new block of flats with social rents and for the elderly in Trinitat Vella

07/07/2021 - 16:11

Work is under way on a new public housing block in the Trinitat Vella neighbourhood, in Sant Andreu. Out of the total of 139 homes, 85 will be rented to elderly people and the other 54 offered with social rents. In all, around 260 people will be able to live in these affordable homes. The project involves a municipal investment of 14 million euros and is due to be completed in the third quarter of 2023.

The project is part of the Complex Porta Trinitat, a hub of social facilities and housing in Trinitat Vella, one of the neighbourhoods with the lowest household incomes in the city. The development responds to a long-standing demand from local people, who have been calling for more social support services and more affordable housing.

Besides affordable housing for various groups, Porta Trinitat will include a public facility with citizen support services for women and young people, along with social services. Work on the project began in the summer of 2020 and the facilities should be operational early in 2022.

The district of Sant Andreu accounts for a significant proportion of public housing under construction in Barcelona, mainly due to the transformation of the cheap low-build houses in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood and the former barracks in Sant Andreu. In all, 670 homes are under way and will provide affordable housing for over 1,500 people.

More housing with services for elderly people

As part of the municipal move to build homes with services for senior citizens, the keys to the latest block of 49 flats of this type were handed over to residents in the spring. The block in C/ Alí Bei, in the Eixample district, brings the total number of flats for the elderly in the city to 1,433, distributed in 25 buildings.

Besides the block at the Porta Trinitat, five other projects are under construction or at the planning stage, which between them will provide 500 homes. They are:

  • Carrer de Puigcerdà, 100-104: 48 homes. Under construction.
  • Carrer de Viladomat, 142 (Germanetes): 47 homes. Under construction.
  • Passeig de Torras i Bages, 143 (Casernes): 152 homes. Under construction.
  • Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat, 5-11 (former Quirón): 83 homes. At the planning stage.
  • Carrer de Veneçuela, 96-106: 60 homes. At the planning stage.


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