Projects can now be entered for the seventeenth edition of the 25 November Award
01/09/2022 - 08:31
Proposals for the 25 November Prize can be entered from today to 19 September.
Barcelona City Council has been calling for entries for the 25 November Award, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, every year since 2005, and under the Citizen Agreement for a City Free of Violence against Women.
This year, under the slogan Forging Alliances Against Male Chauvinism, the aim of the award is to provide support for projects which help to prevent gender violence in four of the main areas where women and people in general carry out a large part of their everyday lives.
- Commerce: shops, shopping centres and hubs.
- Culture: cinemas, theatres, museums, creation centres, etc.
- Sport: sports groups and clubs in the territory, sports facilities, etc.
- Education: Student families’ associations, teachers’ associations, leisure organisations, etc.
The aim of the award is to provide financial resources and institutional support to the winning project, which must not have been implemented previously, but which may be at the initial stage of implementation.
The award is for 15,000 euros.
The entry period for proposals starts on 1 September and ends on 19 September 2022.
You can consult the rules for the award, along with full information on the call for entries, from this link.