More public dental services in the city
20/12/2022 - 16:12
An additional 18 dental hygienists are to be taken on at 11 primary healthcare centres (CAP) before the year is out. This will bring the number of dental specialists joining the city’s public healthcare network to 34, thanks to the rollout of the act on dental care and oral hygiene for Barcelona, which was agreed with the Ministry for Health at the Government of Catalonia. Four child dental care points have also been created, one in each integrated health area (AIS) in Barcelona. Together with municipal dental services for vulnerable people, the rollout of these services will entail an annual investment of some 2.58 million euros.
The 34 hygienists are for the following primary healthcare centres: CAP Maragall, CAP Ciutat Meridiana, CAP Manso, CAP La Pau, CAP Raval Nord, CAP Roquetes, CAP El Carmel, CAP La Mina, CAP Turó – Sant Rafael – Guineueta, CAP Horta and CAP La Marina.
The new child dental care points have been set up at CAPIBE, CAP Casernes, CAP Maragall, CAP Ramon Turró and CAP Casc Antic.
The contracts for the 34 hygienists involve a budget of 1.37 million euros a year, while the child dental care service requires 400,000 euros. Dental care for vulnerable people involves a budget of 815,000 euros a year.