Municipal resources and services for carers

Municipal resources and services for carers

13/04/2024 - 14:19

The municipal facility Barcelona Cuida centralises all services and programmes to ensure well-being and decent working conditions for those who care for others. This work, which often falls on the shoulders of women carers, is essential for society to work well. If you are a carer, check all the resources available to you here.

Everyone receives care and cares for others throughout life, according to age, health and well-being. Care work has been traditionally seen as a private social duty, reserved in the confines of the home and associated with women’s responsibilities. There are an estimated 355,000 people in Barcelona, mostly women, providing others with intensive care, with a notable proportion of such carers being migrant women and in a situation of job insecurity.

Improving the situation for carers is vital for achieving community well-being. Because of this, Barcelona has a pioneering reference facility and a wide array of resources and services aimed at people who care for others:

Barcelona Cuida: all information in a single space

The Barcelona Cuida [Barcelona Cares] space is a facility that centralises full information and resources relating to care work in the city. It offers information, advice and guidance for those who provide and receive care in the city. It is a los a meeting and networking point for individuals, professionals and organisations.

The centre can assist individuals caring for family members or close friends, domestic professionals, social, community and health services, organisations and individuals who want to plan their care.

  • Carrer de Viladomat, 127
  • Telephone support: 934 132 121, from Monday to Friday, from 8.15 am to 8 pm, and Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm
  • Online support

Carer Card: fourteen free support resources

The Barcelona Cuida service also manages the Targeta Cuidadora [carer card], a recent initiative that recognises the work of carers and enables them to access a set of fourteen free resources, such as emotional counselling 24 hours a day, support networks and leisure activities. Some 2,300 applications have been received since its launch.

Concilia free child-minding service

Balancing employment and personal life with leisure and breathing space is especially difficult for single-parent families with few resources, women in situations of gender violence and families without community support. To facilitate their balance, the Concilia free child-minding service was launched in 2020. Managed by the Incoop cooperative, the service already has nine spaces in operation.

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