Campaign to enjoy safe sex and prevent sexually transmitted infections
17/03/2023 - 13:32
Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can be prevented, treated and cured. The new awareness campaign 'Visca el sexe lliure (d'infeccions)' promotes sexual freedom without infections and aims to make people aware of the importance of detecting and avoiding them spreading as early as possible, alerting people to the risks while defending the right to enjoy safe sex within the framework of consent and self-care.
Various materials such as posters and leaflets will be distributed around different points in the city and on social media over the coming weeks. A website has also been created with information on these illnesses, with the content agreed on with health organisations within the framework of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy (ESSIR).
In an initial stage, most of the posters and leaflets will be distributed at facilities for young people, health centres and collaborating organisations, for instance, infoJove services, the ‘Aqui t’escoltem’ service and other youth facilities. Information materials will be distributed with over 50,000 condoms.
The project has been developed by a working group of over 30 professionals from 17 organisations, including the Ministry for Health at the Government of Catalonia.
Rise in cases of gonorrhoea and chlamydia
Despite the number of cases of sexually transmitted infections being at a standstill as a result of the pandemic, plus the downward trend in HIV infections, cases of illnesses such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea have risen to record levels according to the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB). Infection rates for syphilis and LGV are also being monitored.
Besides awareness about STIs, the campaign seeks to defend people’s right to enjoy sexual relations freely and with respect.