Call for applications to the eighteenth edition of the 25N Prize “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN” is now open
01/09/2023 - 09:33
This year, under the slogan “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”, the prize aims to focus on and tackle the various realities and challenges that these two struggles encompass.
The deadline for presenting proposals is the 18th of September.
Barcelona City Council has been holding the 25 November Prize since 2005, in order to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and as part of the Citizen Agreement for a Barcelona Free of Violence Against Women. This year’s eighteenth edition, entitled “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”, aims to focus on the intersectionality of gender violence, placing special emphasis on the racial discrimination occurring in many different areas, and especially the consequences deriving from it. It therefore aims to focus on and tackle the various realities and challenges involved in these two struggles, given that, nowadays, it is impossible to speak of either anti-sexism or anti-racism without mentioning the other, due to the range of realities in which they are both present.
The aim of the prize is to provide financial resources and institutional support to the winning project, which must not have been implemented previously, but may be in the initial stages of implementation. The prize is €15,000, and the period for presenting proposals begins on the 1st of September and ends on the 18th of September 2023. The winning project will be made public during the events being held for 25N.
Projects that are eligible for this prize must aim to:
- Carry out research and reflection initiatives for the primary prevention of gender violence associated with racial discrimination.
- Implement strategies and initiatives, addressed to the city’s population, in the various areas where this year’s proposed theme is present.
- Launch primary-prevention initiatives that include the “gender violence – racial discrimination” duality.
- Carry out initiatives aimed at generating resources and tools for primary prevention to be developed in this campaign, according to the aims established in the theme of the prize.
The terms and conditions for the prize, a link for registration, and all the information concerning the call for applications may be found on this link.