The Hivernacle re-opens as the first facility at the Ciutadella del Coneixement to open to the public

The Hivernacle re-opens as the first facility at the Ciutadella del Coneixement to open to the public

18/12/2023 - 09:07

Constructed 135 years ago, the Hivernacle is back! This iconic building has now re-opened after being completely revamped. The construction regains its original purpose of housing a display of over a hundred plants of special interest and helping to promote greenery and biodiversity. The Hivernacle is part of the science and heritage section of the Ciutadella del Coneixement strategy, which aims to turn the park and its surroundings into a leading hub for knowledge, dissemination and innovation in Europe, open to all.

Like all plant houses, the building consists of a structure with a transparent roof and walls, offering the possibility of regulating the light, temperature and humidity inside to create the best conditions for cultivating plants. The main goal of the renovation project was to regain these characteristics.

The building was erected 135 years ago for the Universal Expo of 1888. The project was the work of Josep Amargós i Samaranch and is an important example of iron architecture, a construction technique which appeared with the Industrial Revolution. Listed as an asset of local cultural interest (BCIL), the building is one of the gems of the Parc de la Ciutadella, also protected as an asset of national cultural interest (BCIN).

The project to revamp the building was commissioned in 2021, with work getting under way in September 2022. The renovation took 15 months and has recovered the original appearance of the Hivernacle, resolving the pathologies that had appeared in the building during the course of its 135-year history.

Uses of the Hivernacle

Besides the botanical collection, the building will be used for activities to promote the city’s natural, cultural, scientific and historical heritage.

From now on, the Hivernacle will open at 10 am through to the evening, offering free access but with a limited capacity.

Ciutadella del Coneixement

The strategy for the Ciutadella del Coneixement knowledge hub aims to consolidate a first-class science ecosystem in the Parc de la Ciutadella and its surroundings, making it accessible and open to everybody.

The hub now starts to take shape with its first tangible element, the Hivernacle, which forms part of the consolidation project for a set of facilities of notable science and heritage value. The buildings making up the hub are on the southern side of the park, following the path of Passeig de Picasso. In addition to the Hivernacle, the other buildings are the Museu Martorell, the Castell dels Tres Dragons and the Umbracle.

The Ciutadella del Coneixement includes four more projects and entails an overall associated investment of 290 million euros. The other four projects are:

  • New research complex at the old fish market, with three buildings under way
  • Construction of a CSIC biosciences centre on the site of the former Spanish Mobile Park
  • Construction of the Barcelona Central Library
  • Promotion and strengthening of scientific and dissemination activity by the Zoo

The prevision is for 80% of the project to become a reality during this term of office, and for the whole Ciutadella del Coneixement to be an international knowledge hub with nearly 1,600 researchers in ten years.

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