Asylum seekers account for 48% of the 11,114 people helped by the SAIER

Asylum seekers account for 48% of the 11,114 people helped by the SAIER

31/07/2020 - 14:21

Despite the months of lockdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Care Service for Immigrants, Emigrants and Refugees attended to 11,114 people between January and June 2020, some 10% less than the same period in 2019.

During the strictest part of the lockdown period, from 13 March to 30 June, the SAIER strengthened its role as a leading municipal service attending to migrants and refugees, handling 14,311 requests through the Primary Reception Service (SPA).

During the first quarter of 2020, some 48% of SAIER users were people seeking international protection. Some 83% of users were in irregular administrative situations, either with applications being processed or through supervening irregularity. Just 16% of users had their papers in order.

The most common countries of origin for people helped by the SAIER were Colombia (2,196), Venezuela (1,602), Honduras (1,076), Peru (1,150) and Morocco (608). Users were mainly offered information or initial reception services (48%), social care and legal advice (35%).

Half a million euros to boost organisations working with the SAIER

The SAIER is being strengthened with an extra 500,000 euros for organisations which manage social emergencies, along with new premises to be able to provide better support. This extra funding will enable the Red Cross to increase its capacity to provide basic social support, hygiene and home packages, food, clothing and materials for the return to school.

The extra resources come in addition to the increase in the number of places on the Nausica programme, which last year offered 92 places and this year has 117. Nausica is designed for people with no resources who have been left out by the National Reception and Integration System (SNAI) run by the Spanish state, or who have been unable to become self-sufficient after completing their time on the state programme.


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