A thousand training activities to foster employment and enterprise
04/04/2023 - 11:26
Barcelona Activa is offering a programme of 1,000 training activities between April and June, to help people improve skills, look for work or start a business.
The training programme by Barcelona Activa includes face-to-face, online and hybrid activities with an overall capacity for 15,000 people, particularly those looking for work, looking to gain new skills for a professional change or looking to start a business.
Notable activities include training linked to the digital world offered at the Cibernàrium, such as courses on using Twitch to connect to audiences and the professional use of platforms such as ChatGPT and new masterclasses in cybersecurity.
In the field of new labour opportunities, there are courses aimed at senior talent to boost cross-cutting skills resulting from professional maturity, plus new capsules devoted to the use of new social channels for jobseeking and networking (from LinkedIn to Instagram and Tik Tok), as a way of getting up to date on the new recruiting methods used by companies. The range of jobseeking training options has increased by 47% thanks to the start of activity at El Convent, the Barcelona Activa facility specifically for young people.
Barcelona Activa also offers a catalogue of sectoral workshops devoted to tourism, logistics, the social and healthcare sphere, plus a special session with information about urban clusters such as those for sport, audiovisuals, health and energy.
Entrepreneurs will have access to specific sessions, such as an activity with micro influencers to learn how to expand a business and improve communication, and group sessions for women entrepreneurs at the Lidera space.
The training programme includes other activities at various municipal facilities, such as community centres, libraries, the InnoBa and the district premises of Barcelona Activa.