These are the 38 school playgrounds opening in the summer
20/06/2024 - 13:40
This summer’s municipal “Open Playgrounds” programme includes 38 schools, half of them nursery schools, which will be opening up their outdoor spaces during certain hours from 25 June to 31 August.
The Open Playgrounds initiative enables districts to offer more play areas during the summer holidays, the goal being to provide local families and young children with shared areas for recreation, spending time or reading. Many of these spaces will also act as climate shelters.
Each playground has a service with monitors, who are also tasked with opening and closing them and ensuring the facilities are used properly.
In order to prepare the school playgrounds for the summer season, only the playgrounds at municipal nursery schools will be open over the weekend of 21 to 23 June.
Which school playgrounds will be open this summer?
- Ciutat Vella: Escola Cervantes, EBM Canigó and EBM La Mar.
- L’Eixample: Escola Aldana, Escola Ramon Llull, EBM Casa dels Nens and EBM Germanetes.
- Sants-Montjuïc: Escola Mossèn Jacint Verdaguer, Escola Seat, EBM Pau and EBM L’Esquirol.
- Les Corts: Escola Duran i Bas and EBM Can Bruixa.
- Sarrià – Sant Gervasi: Institut Menéndez y Pelayo, Escola Poeta Foix and EBM El Putxet.
- Gràcia: Escola Rius i Taulet, EBM Caspolino and EBM Sant Medir.
- Horta-Guinardó: Escola Font d’en Fargas, Escola de les Aigües, Escola Pau Casals, EBM Cargol, EBM Valldaura and EBM Teixonera.
- Nou Barris: Escola i Biblioteca Mercè Rodoreda, Escola Calderón, EBM Can Dragó and EBM Ralet.
- Sant Andreu: Escola Dr. Ferran i Clua, EBM Els Patufets de Navas and EBM La Morera.
- Sant Martí: Escola Concepción Arenal, Escola Bogatell, EBM Cobi, EBM El Bressol del Poblenou and EBM Margalló.
Check the addresses and opening times of each school on the Open Playgrounds website.