Barcelona Fem Tech Prize for Gender Equity in the ICT Sector
01/09/2021 - 10:59
Barcelona City Council is calling for entries for the Barcelona Fem Tech Prize for Gender Equity in the ICT Sector.
This prize falls within the framework the government measure of the same name and is aimed at providing visibility, recognition and support to ICT sector projects led by women and thereby helping to combat the digital gender gap in the city.
The prizes, which are worth 8,000 euros for each category, are given in recognition of the best projects submitted in each of the fields in accordance with the following categories:
- Category A: STEM, gender and children
- Category B: Data with a gender approach in the technology sector
- Category C: Violence in networks
- Category D: Visibility of ‘tech’ women in Barcelona
The projects have to focus on Barcelona, as to subject matter, target public or incidence framework and be carried out throughout 2021 and the first quarter of 2022.
The prize is open to natural and legal persons, public or private, that have Spanish nationality or are resident in the Spanish State, as well as groups made up of natural or legal persons and without legal personality that meet the conditions set out in the rules of this call for entries and the regulations that apply.
The submission period will run from 1 to 29 September (first and last days included) require the submission of a registration form, a report and the CVs of the people making up the work team.
You can access the information, documents and submission channels from the following link: