Career-guidance and counselling points for young people
08/08/2021 - 10:46
The “Fem feina, fem futur” programme launched by Barcelona Activa will be providing tools for supporting and monitoring 3,700 people, who are unemployed or in a Record of Temporary Employment Regulation situation, for the emotional management and achievement of a professional project and will have a careers-adviser expert available in each of the city’s districts.
The initiative also includes a remote information and professional guidance service that is adapted to skills for the participants’ job-hunting. A third of these individuals are young people, given the serious impact on this group from the uncertainty of the future and social-distancing measures.
The programme is budgeted at 1.35 million euros, provided by the Economic Response Coordination Centre (CECORE), itself created to run specific initiatives that mitigate the consequences of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy of the city’s residents. 44% of this budgetary item is being allocated to young people.
The programme is enshrined in the Youth Employment Promotion Plan, to reach 15,000 people from this group in the city. More specifically, the “Fem feina, fem futur” programme is included in this line of assistance for vulnerable people, which is committed to improving the employability of people under the age of 30, through the incorporation of the goals of social efficiency, fairness, decent and quality work and the gender perspective.
Contact channels
Two telephone helplines have been set up to offer assistance under this programme:
- 608 573 263, for city residents in general,
- 603 573 263, specifically for young people.
You can also check out information from the Barcelona Activa website, as well as on other initiatives. The activities, both the online and the face to face will continue to operate throughout August.