First projects at the Coòpolis incubator for cooperatives

First projects at the Coòpolis incubator for cooperatives

06/10/2020 - 20:04

Anthropology, communication, design and catering are just some of the areas of work the first eight projects at the Coòpolis incubator, which is now fully operational. Organisations can be based at the centre for an initial period and receive support to set up or consolidate their activity and cooperate with other entities.

The goal is for the organisations to test their model and gain experience before definitively operating from the facility.

The eight projects are:

  • L’Etnogràfica, a team of anthropologists working from a feminist and cross-cutting perspective to generate processes for social change.
    Col•lectivaT, a non-profit cooperative of professionals from the field of knowledge, providing comprehensive services in cultural translation and research and technological services for collaborative and linguistic work.
    Almena Cooperativa Feminista, a feminist cooperative for communication, introducing the gender perspective into all spheres and tackling male violence towards women.
    Equiláteras, a gender and equality consultancy service working to implement the principle of equal opportunities and gender equity in organisations.
    Ardit, a communications and digital strategy cooperative.
    • The design cooperative Holon.
    Coopdevs, a cooperative for professional consultancy and technological development services.
    Abarka Catering, an African catering service.

Barcelona City Council has invested the sum of 449,116 euros in the centre, which has now opened up an incubator area and some training rooms with a total surface area of 987 square metres.

Coòpolis is a facility for fostering and promoting the social and solidarity economy in Barcelona. Its priority is the creation of cooperatives and the generation of jobs in existing cooperatives.


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