Have children’s rights been respected during the pandemic?

Have children’s rights been respected during the pandemic?

20/11/2020 - 13:24

The process for the next edition of the Children’s Opening Speech will see a thousand children reflecting on how the Covis-19 crisis has affected them. This year’s slogan is “Children don’t stop”, and a thousand youngsters in their third, fourth, fifth or sixth year of primary school will be putting their heads together for this educational programme that culminates with the festivities for Santa Eulàlia in February.

The task was presented virtually with a video sent to the participating schools, with recreational and thought-provoking activities which can be carried out in class while respecting the safety measures. This way the children will be able to reflect on their rights and how they have been respected or infringed during the Covid-19 health emergency.

The project provides a window for proposals that prompt adults around the children to reflect and act. In all, sixteen city schools will be taking part, with nearly a thousand pupils involved.

The speech will be read out by children representing the various schools on 11 February 2021, coinciding with the festivities for Santa Eulàlia. The format and the location will be defined in line with the health situation and the measures and restrictions set out be the relevant authorities at that time.

The Children’s Opening Speech at the Festivities for Santa Eulàlia is an educational programme aimed at promoting and disseminating children’s rights and the recognition of children as citizens with full rights, as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The work carried out in the classroom over various months stimulates participation and collaboration and is a way for children to learn about and engage with Barcelona’s institutions.

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