Mass demonstration against LGBTI-phobia
08/07/2021 - 19:50
The LGBTI movement, united under a single aim. The Platform of LGTBI Organisations of Catalonia and Pride Barcelona have called a demonstration of unity against LGBTI-Phobia for 22 July at 7.00 pm on Passeig de Gràcia. The call comes in response to the spate of attacks that have take place across Spain in recent weeks and the murder of the young man Samuel Luiz, on 3 July.
The two organisations calling the demonstration bring together more than forty entities and they have joined forces for the first time, after more than forty years, to mobilise citizens under the slogan “Zero Tolerance of LGBTI-phobic violence: more protection, more administrative and legal support and more diversity education”.
The organisers want to extend the call to all LGTBIQ+ organisations in the territory and to other social agents, such as student and feminist organisations, unions and neighbourhood associations. The aim is to send a clear, resounding message denouncing LGBTI-phobic violence and the rise in hate speech.