More investment to guarantee the quality of the power supply
20/04/2021 - 15:15
- Pla Inversió Endesa
- Pla Inversió Endesa
- Pla Inversió Endesa
The electricity company Endesa is to invest 43.2 million euros in the city in 2021, in line with the investment plan agreed with the City Council to improve and guarantee the quality the power supply. Of the total amount, 27.4 million euros corresponds to specific investment for this year, an increase of 30% compared to 2020, while 15.8 million corresponds to ordinary maintenance.
The investment plan, included in the City Plan 2021 and developed in the context of the working group set up at the end of January to study the power cuts of recent months, is based around three main spheres of action:
- The construction, renewal and improvement of the power network (high, medium and low voltage), to make it more resilient against possible incidents and weather phenomena. The action planned includes the renewal of underground cables linking the sub-stations of Sants, Hostafrancs and Mata, the renewal and extension of casing at 271 transformation centres and an additional 27 kilometres in medium voltage cabling to strengthen low voltage infrastructures on the grid.
- The digitalisation and development of new technologies to cut resolution times from incidents and minimise the effects for customers. In this respect, the intention is to automate 34% of the medium voltage grid by the end of 2021 and implement the LARS digital system to automatically localise any network failure so that power can be restored.
- The maintenance of the power grid, with constant inspections and reviews through a predicative, preventive and corrective plan for sub-stations and power distribution centres supplying the city, high-voltage, medium and low-voltage lines and the respective transformation centres.