More staff for social services operating on the city’s streets
23/08/2021 - 16:07
The overall budget for social services staff operating in public space has increased by 77% in the last three years. This boost in funding has allowed more professionals to be taken on and more specialised profiles introduced. Specifically, the number of staff providing these social services has risen from 80 to 109 since 2018.
The reorganisation of the four social services which operate in public space should enable more accurate and specialised services to be provided which adapt to the needs of each collective. Firstly, the new Social Support Service for Homelessness in Public Space (SASSEP) has been created, unifying the old Outdoor Social Insertion Service (SISMO) and the Office for the Irregular Settlements Plan (OPAI). Secondly, the new Social Intervention Service for Families with Minors (SIFAM) has been created, carrying on from the body formerly known as the SISFArom. Both services bring together the existing Detection and Action Service with Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Young People (SDI) and the Conflict Management Service (SGC).
New shared facility
The four services have been reorganised into a single space, with a new municipal facility located at C/ Casp, 126, facilitating greater interaction and coordination between them. The design took into account the working methods of each of the teams and the flow of workers and users. The new spaces include a social support part with individual rooms, waiting rooms and reception spaces, as well as each service having its own working spaces.