New humanitarian support for Gaza, Morocco and Libya

New humanitarian support for Gaza, Morocco and Libya

07/01/2024 - 12:09

Nearly 720,000 euros will be provided for different projects by organisations specialising in humanitarian and emergency work in Gaza, Morocco and Libya. The work is linked to protecting and supporting victims and reestablishing their physical, psycho-social, educational and economic life conditions.

The last session of the Government Commission in 2023 approved overall funding of nearly 700,000 euros to provide subsidies for various humanitarian aid projects. The money is for initiatives to mitigate the humanitarian crisis in Libya and Morocco following the earthquake and the flooding in September. Later the process was broadened to address the victims of the bombardments and the blockade and cut in all supplies into the Gaza Strip.

For action in Libya, the sum of 100,000 euros has been awarded to the project started in September “Protection and support for the population affected by flooding in Libya”. This initiative by the Comitè Català per als Refugiats – Catalunya amb ACNUR is helping 2,000 families, some 10,000 displaced people in all. A further 100,000 euros is being awarded to the project started in December “UNICEF – Response to humanitarian needs in childhood in Libya”, by UNICEF Spain, which aims to help 12,500 children and their families which have been directly affected, and indirectly reach 30,000 children in family environments.

In Morocco, a sum of 100,000 euros will go to the project “Emergency intervention to support the most vulnerable population affected by the earthquake of 8 September and its after-shocks in central Morocco”, by Farmacèutics Mundi. This initiative aims to help 3,820 people displaced within the country because of the earthquake, and who are still living in extremely vulnerable conditions. The project also aims to reach 2,500 people, at least 2,000 of them women and children, with awareness resources on sexual and reproductive health, The project “Response to needs in protection, sanitisation and the prevention of violence against women and children in Talat N’Yaaquob (Al-Haouz)”, by Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (MPDL), will receive 99,991 euros to improve the life conditions of children and their families.

In this emergency context, a special direct subsidy of 300,000 euros has also been awarded to the project started in October “Emergency response to the food needs of the population in the Gaza Strip”, by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which prioritises the distribution of food among the most vulnerable population.

Finally, Pallassos sense Fronteres has received a subsidy of 20,000 euros, which does not require the approval of the commission, to carry out its project “Laughter for children”. The aim of this initiative is to contribute to the emotional and psychological well-being of children affected by the earthquake in Morocco and, specifically, minimise post-traumatic stress symptoms, improve children’s mood and outlook and strengthen their resilience and positive emotions.


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