Resources for launching businesses, enterprise and the social and solidarity economy in Barcelona

Resources for launching businesses, enterprise and the social and solidarity economy in Barcelona

02/02/2021 - 11:01

Check the municipal services offering support and advice for the city’s business network. Resources are mainly housed in facilities run by Barcelona Activa in the different districts.

Fostering employment

Crea Feina, Barcelona. This programme offers grants of 5,000 euros to contract unemployed people officially residing in the city. Contracts must be full-time and for at least six months (or permanent). Interested companies have until 30 June 2021 to apply. More information on the website for Crea Feina, Barcelona.

Beques Mercabarna. Mercabarna offers grants of 5,700 euros to companies in the food and flower sectors who contract unemployed young people who have just gained qualifications from publicly run or professional centres and trained at Mercabarna. This year’s programme is also open to any retail shop with street premises, as well as municipal markets in the city. More information on the website for Mercabarna.

Talent management. Support service from Barcelona Activa for companies during the whole process of looking for and taking on new staff, from identification through to the search for talent, the pre-recruitment process and candidacies. More information on the Barcelona Activa website for businesses.

Funding resources

Funding search support service. Advice for companies, organisations and the self-employed in search of public or private funding needed to get a business, project or initiative off the ground. More information on the Barcelona Activa website for businesses.

Barcelona accelera. Venture capital fund to drive investment in entrepreneurial projects in the city. The selected venture capital organisations will invest in newly created companies in the strategic sectors in the Green Deal agenda: digital economy, creative industries, green economy, 4.0 industry, health and bio, sport and technology, food and food technology and the blue economy. More information on the Barcelona website for businesses.

Fostering enterprise

Incubation spaces. Barcelona Activa has got five specialised environments for helping entrepreneurial projects to get up and running.

  • Glòries business incubator: A space to help newly created companies set up in the last five years and located in Barcelona.
  • Almogàvers incubator: Space for the development of new companies in the sphere of public-private entities.
  • MediaTIC incubator: Specialist environment providing support for companies with a strong technological impact.
  • Technology Park: The most important part of the Technology Park is the Centre for Technological Businesses, an environment which promotes responsible tech business growth.
  • La InnoBadora: service provided at the InnoBA, the Barcelona Socio-economic Innovation Centre, for projects of this type to grow in a collaborative environment.

Advice for projects from the Social and Solidarity Economy. The InnoBa centre offers a support service for socio-economic projects in the SSE. More information on the Barcelona Activa website for businesses.

Business prototype support service. The Technology Park offers this service for companies and entrepreneurs in all stages of the prototyping process. More information on the Barcelona Activa website for businesses.

See all the resources made available by Barcelona City Council to help towards the economic recovery in the city at​

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