Social and labour insertion pilot project for people receiving subsistence income
22/09/2021 - 17:33
Barcelona is to be the first city in the Spanish state to test the social and labour insertion model for people receiving guaranteed minimum income (IMV). Barcelona City Council and the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration have agreed to go ahead with the two-year pilot project, with a ten-million-euro budget to come from the EU’s Next Generation funding.
The project will see the two institutions design and implement an operation which contributes to the social and labour inclusion of at least a thousand people in the city, particularly those receiving the minimum income. The project will be financed with ten million euros from the Next Generation fund, with the results to be assessed after two years.
The project will consist of the creation of a single office to help develop itineraries and active policies which match each profile and which, combined with the guaranteed minimum income, will help strengthen the social and labour inclusion of participants. At the same time, the project will also consider relational and community bonds, with the thousand participants to receive training and ongoing support.
The collaboration between the city and the state was possible thanks to Barcelona’s experience with the B-MINCOME project between 2017 and 2019, which received EU funding, and the Làbora programme to help with the labour inclusion of people at risk of exclusion.