Workplan to combat unwanted loneliness

Workplan to combat unwanted loneliness

18/10/2020 - 10:32

A new workplan has been created to achieve the municipal strategy to combat loneliness, including planning and drafting. The government measure will be presented to the Commission for Social Rights, Culture and Sports on Tuesday 20 October. The final strategy document, including all the municipal measures and action to combat unwanted loneliness through all stages of life, will become definitive in 2021 and include measures defined in collaboration with the different areas of the City Council, as well as experts, academics and relevant city entities and professionals.

The Municipal Strategy against Loneliness is designed as a ten-year period of implementation, upgrades and activity. It will offer a flexible roadmap setting out the main strategy areas and action to combat loneliness in the city, with the possibility of being adapted according to social changes and new realities.

The plan will include a city perspective so that organisations, citizens and the academic world can also be responsible, the goal being to consolidate the Citizen Pact against Loneliness and address aspects of people’s daily life, rather than just those that affect the municipal institution.

Actions planned within the strategy framework

  • Presence in all municipal facilities: particularly those providing services for vulnerable age groups such as the elderly, but also teenagers and young people. A study is under way which will form the basis for detecting and treating loneliness in municipal spaces and centres for the elderly. A guide is also being prepared for people who work with teenagers and young people.
  • Meetings: with advisory and municipal participation bodies, and with the main organisations to continue establishing collaboration and alliances to combat loneliness.
  • Subsidies for projects: as from 2021, subsides will be available for projects which address the perspective of loneliness in children, young people and the elderly.
  • Territorial dimension: incorporated into the strategy, addressing the different profiles and needs of each of the districts and neighbourhoods, because neighbourhoods are mainly where social ties are generated.
  • Reflect and foster public debate about loneliness: through the commission of academics and intellectuals from the sphere of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Communication and awareness campaign: to help destigmatise and raise awareness about loneliness and break down the myth that only the elderly suffer from it.
  • Creation of a monitoring and evaluation board: in addition to the Scientific Advisory Board against Loneliness (CACS), with representatives from political, management, scientific, technical and territorial spheres and organisations.



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