Young people’s needs have their place in municipal policies
24/03/2022 - 14:47
The months of April and May will bring a participatory process for the Plan for Adolescence and Youth (PAJ) 2022-2026, where young people between the ages of 16 and 29 can take part. A website will be available where they can sign up for sessions, which will have limited capacities.
The participatory process provides continuity for the Fòrum Jove BCN, a deliberative process conducted from July to December 2021, where 99 young people between the ages of 16 and 29 put forward proposals in response to the question: “As a young person living in Barcelona, what do you need to pursue your life project?”. The second edition now getting under way will ask about their needs regarding:
- leisure and culture
- sport
- digital world
- public space
- associations
- young people’s participation
The sessions will be held between April and May, adopting a face-to-face format and with limited capacities. Those wishing to take part should register.
The first Plan for Adolescence and Youth 2017-2021 plays an essential role in guaranteeing the rights of young people, its mission being to foster their autonomy. This is a universal principle for teenagers and young people.
The plan involved direct input from young people, with work also carried out in different spheres to promote and establish joint responsibility for the 182 measures included. In addition, the plan sets out a calendar for the different measures, the main action to be implemented, projects, reference figures for the measures and a system of evaluation indicators.
The plan was updated in March 2021, adapting to the new needs arising from the Covid-19 crisis through the new government measure ‘Youth in mind’ 2021-2022. The document sets out 45 proposals, on top of the 180 plus existing ones, grouped into six working areas: education, employment, associations and participation, well-being, housing and facilities and youth services.