Activities for the over-65s for International Day of Older Persons
Elderly people. The city’s districts are organising a wide array of activities to mark the International Day of Older Persons, held annually on 1 October since 1990.
Barcelona is the European Capital of Democracy
City Council. The city will take on the role for a year, becoming the epicentre for public debate on democracy and today’s challenges.
Call for applications to the eighteenth edition of the 25N Prize “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN” is now open
This year, under the slogan “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”, the prize aims to focus on and tackle the various realities and challenges that these two struggles encompass.
The Guàrdia Urbana expands its specialist assistance service for victims of gender violence
Security and Prevention. The new assistance model will improve the quality of immediate-assistance and accompaniment responses for victims.
Joves de Barcelona: 45% more assistance and advice
Joves de Barcelona. This year’s youth information services registered close to 180,000 cases of assistance, up by 24% on the previous school year.
Racism and xenophobia remain the main reasons for discrimination in Barcelona
According to data from the Discrimination Observatory.
Cap infant sense estiu amb els casals municipals d’agost
Infància. Té com a objectiu oferir una proposta als infants d’entre 6 i 12 anys de famílies amb dificultats econòmiques i de conciliació.
The old Myrurgia Facgtory is to become a new social services centre
Urban planning and infrastructures. The interior of the block bounded by C/ Nàpols, C/ Provença, C/ Mallorca and C/ Sicília will be pulled down this August.
Call for entries for the 18th 25 November Award: “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”
Call for entries for the 18th 25 November Award: “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”
Taking care of ourselves in the heat
Health. In the summer, particularly during heatwaves, a change in habits will help us keep cool and keep our homes cool.