
E.g., 08/01/2025
E.g., 08/01/2025
22/09/2023 - 14:25

Activities for the over-65s for International Day of Older Persons

Elderly people. The city’s districts are organising a wide array of activities to mark the International Day of Older Persons, held annually on 1 October since 1990.

14/09/2023 - 16:54

Barcelona is the European Capital of Democracy

City Council. The city will take on the role for a year, becoming the epicentre for public debate on democracy and today’s challenges.

Banner 25N Català
01/09/2023 - 09:33

Call for applications to the eighteenth edition of the 25N Prize “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN” is now open

This year, under the slogan “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”, the prize aims to focus on and tackle the various realities and challenges that these two struggles encompass.

16/08/2023 - 10:30

The Guàrdia Urbana expands its specialist assistance service for victims of gender violence

Security and Prevention. The new assistance model will improve the quality of immediate-assistance and accompaniment responses for victims.

12/08/2023 - 10:08

Joves de Barcelona: 45% more assistance and advice

Joves de Barcelona. This year’s youth information services registered close to 180,000 cases of assistance, up by 24% on the previous school year.

02/08/2023 - 12:53

Racism and xenophobia remain the main reasons for discrimination in Barcelona

According to data from the Discrimination Observatory.

01/08/2023 - 13:13

Cap infant sense estiu amb els casals municipals d’agost

Infància. Té com a objectiu oferir una proposta als infants d’entre 6 i 12 anys de famílies amb dificultats econòmiques i de conciliació.

01/08/2023 - 12:19

The old Myrurgia Facgtory is to become a new social services centre

Urban planning and infrastructures. The interior of the block bounded by C/ Nàpols, C/ Provença, C/ Mallorca and C/ Sicília will be pulled down this August.

11/07/2023 - 16:35

Call for entries for the 18th 25 November Award: “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”

Call for entries for the 18th 25 November Award: “Anti-sexist and Anti-racist BCN”

10/07/2023 - 10:00

Taking care of ourselves in the heat

Health. In the summer, particularly during heatwaves, a change in habits will help us keep cool and keep our homes cool.


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