Smoke detectors, an effective way to prevent household fires

Fri, 04/12/2020 - 11:52

Safety and prevention. The campaign “Don’t invite fire into the home” promotes the installation of electronic devices to detect fires inside homes.

The Barcelona Fires Service put out 1,849 household fires in the city in 2019. Two of the fires started in the early hours and between them took the lives of three people, all over the age of 65. In all, 44 people have lost their lives in fires since 2009. As of 30 November this year, 1,443 household fires had been extinguished. To improve fire prevention in homes and reduce the number of victims and amount of material damage, a new campaign has been launched with the title “Don’t invite fire into the home”, promoting the installation of smoke detectors in homes.

The information campaign “Don’t invite fire into the home” fosters the installation of smoke detectors in homes to prevent the risk of domestic fires, particularly at night. This measure for self-protection and fire detection is aimed at all people, particularly elderly people living alone and people with functional diversity.

Implemented by Barcelona City Council, the initiative seeks to promote a regulatory change which makes the installation of smoke detectors obligatory in all new-build homes. The aim is also to promote the importance of these devices with training sessions directed at building administrator associations, community associations and organisations for the elderly and for people with functional diversity.

The dissemination of fire prevention measures is one of the main areas where the Barcelona Fire Service works with different groups.

What are smoke detectors?

They are electronic devices which let off an acoustic alarm if there is a fire in the area where they are located. They are easy to install and involve no building work as they are battery powered.

How much do they cost?

You can find them for 10 to 15 euros upwards, at any hardware shop, department store or specialist establishment.

Why is it recommended to install them?

They are very useful and affordable tools for the prevention of potentially disastrous consequences.

Fire spreads very quickly and can affect a bedroom or an entire home. Smoke is the main danger in a fire and intoxication is the main cause of victims. Smoke alarms go off at an early stage in the presence of smoke and therefore help to reduce the number of victims considerably.

The alarm enables us to call the Fire Service and protect ourselves, for instance by closing doors and getting out of the home if possible.

Where should smoke alarms be fitted?

They should be fitted on ceilings, away from walls and located as centrally as possible. Hallways are recommended, as are communal spaces giving access to the bedrooms. For those who sleep inside bedrooms with the door closed it is advisable to install alarms in the room itself too.

Where should smoke alarms NOT be fitted?

They should not be installed in kitchens or bathrooms as steam or cooking smoke may cause false alarms.

They should also be fitted away from heaters, fans, air-conditioning units, windows and ventilation shafts, as movements of air and differences in temperature may prevent them from working properly.

What sort of maintenance do smoke detectors need?

The alarm signal should be checked periodically by pressing the test button, which gives out the same sound as if smoke had been detected. Batteries should be replaced whenever needed, at least once a year. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Recommendations and advice on how to act in the case of fire

  • The smell of gas may be an early sign of danger.
  • If the fire is in the home and you are unsure if you can put it out and, despite the smoke you can get out, then get out!
  • When you get out, make sure all the doors are closed.
  • If you can get out of the home and there’s no smoke on the staircase, get out! Once you’re in a safe place or outside, alert the Fire Service by calling 112.
  • Do not run and keep your hands free at all times.
  • If you are in a public place, follow the route marked with green signs towards the exit or the emergency exit.

More information on the campaign “Don’t invite fire into the home” is available at: