Technical meeting on fire investigation

Wed, 15/02/2023 - 13:24

Safety and prevention. The meeting is linked to the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and fire prevention 1833-2022”.

Investigating fires and determining their causes are essential for the protection of people and assets. This complex process requires specific knowledge, careful analysis of events and data and the use of science and technology.

The Barcelona Fire Service is organising the technical meeting “Fire investigation as a tool for improvement” on 23 February. The session will offer a step-by-step insight into how fire investigations are carried out and who is involved. The meeting is being held at the Espai Bombers from 9 am to 2.30 pm and highlights investigation as a tool from three points of view: fire prevention regulations, operational intervention and self-protection.

Participants include experts from the London Fire Brigade, one of the biggest rescue services in the world and responsible for fire investigations in London. Members of Catalonia’s Mossos d’Esquadra police corps will also be involved, as will the Catalan government’s agricultural and forestry rangers, the Agents Rurals, who are responsible for fire investigation in urban and forest areas respectively. Finally, the meeting also involves experts in forensic investigation and statistical analysis linked to fires.

The meeting is mainly aimed at firefighters in service but is also open to anybody with  an interest in or a link with fire investigation. Anybody wishing to attend simply needs to send an email to indicating the number of people.

The schedule for the meeting is:

9-9.15 am: Welcome.

9.15-9.45 am: Study of mortalities from fire in 2021 by the Fundació MAPFRE. By Jesús Monclús, director of Prevention and Road Safety with the Fundació MAPFRE.

9.45-10.30 am: Matt Leaver, head of the fire investigation team with the London Fire Brigade.

10.30-11.15 am: Greg Ashman, subdirector for Prevention, Fire Investigation and Dissemination with the London Fire Brigade.

11.15-11.45 am: Break.

11.45 am-12.30 pm: Fire investigation in the Mossos d’Esquadra police corps. By Josep Mejuto, sergeant with the Central Ocular Inspection Unit from the Scientific Police Division with the Mossos d’Esquadra.

12.30-1.30 pm: The importance of fire investigation for firefighting operations. By Albert Bartolomé, specialist in fire investigation and forensic engineering, CEO at Hefest Enginyeria Forense and volunteer firefighter.

1.30-2.15 pm: Fire investigation in the Agents Rurals corps. By Josep Miquel de Pablo, senior officer and specialist in the prevention and investigation of forest fires in the Baix Llobregat area.

2.15-2.30 pm: Close.

Lecture about bottled gas

Also on 23 February, the Espai Bombers will be offering the lecture “Bottled gas (dangers and advice on handling)” at 7 pm, given by Oriol Altisench, a retired firefighter from the Barcelona Fire Service. The session will offer details on the risks associated with the transport and handling of bottled gas.

This lecture forms part of the cycle “The Fire Service and its history”, an activity linked to the exhibition “Protecting Barcelona. Firefighters and fire prevention 1833-2022”, which explains how fire prevention measures have been applied in the city from when the Barcelona Fire Service was created through to the present day. The exhibition is on at the MUHBA Oliva Artés until 30 June.