The Project

This project has been possible thanks to the impulse and leadership of the Prevention, Extinction of Fire and Salvage Service (SPEIS) of the Security and Prevention Management and the Management of the Municipal Archive System of Barcelona.

The digital resource ” Firefighters of Barcelona, ​​a journey in TIME ” aims to put in value and make accessible the historical documentation of the Barcelona Fire Brigade currently distributed between the different archives of the city or not yet digitized. The new digital resource aims to boost the citizen interest on the Barcelona Fire Brigade and its historical legacy at the service of the city.

Project Credits:

Barcelona Fire Brigade

Coordination: Josep Barjuan-Gerard Pradas
Support and conservation: Míriam Muro-Alexandra Donaire

Plataforma en Defensa del Patrimoni Històric de Bombers de Barcelona

Original idea and support: Ricard Cervantes
Digitization: Josep Gallardo i Ricard Cervantes
Documentation: Xavier Bocanegra i Ricard Cervantes

Municipal Archive

Management SMA: Joaquim Borràs-Ana Pazos
Archiver -Security and Prevention: Gemma Subirà-Jordi Serra
Arxiu Fotogràfic: Jordi Serchs-Oleguer Benaiges
Arxiu Històric: Xavier Tarraubella-Núria Bosom
Arxiu Municipal Contemporani : Montserrat Beltran-Núria Postico

Communication Department- Security and Prevention

Head of Communication: Anna Plantada

Departament de Continguts Digitals

Head of Digital Content: Gemma Garcia

A digital project by La Tempesta (

Project Management and conceptualisation: Marc Hernández Güell
Programming: Albert Caballero
Coordination: Maria de Vallibana Serrano
Documentation: Maria de Vallibana Serrano i Raquel Garcia Casanova
Audiovisual content: Lluc Güell i Paula Morelló
Text: Maria de Vallibana i Marc Hernández Güell
Translations: Adriana Pascual

We’d like to thank:

We thank the Nest of the retired Firefighters and the Espai Bombers team for all the help.

Thanks to  David Zapater for the costume drawings.

And a special thank to the firefighters we interviewed:

Josep Maria Royes
Cap de Guàrdia a Bombers de Barcelona de 1976 a 1987

Oriol Altisench
Cap de Guàrdia a Bombers de Barcelona de 1976 a 1982

Jaume Roca i Salat.
Bomber Conductor a Bombers de Barcelona de 1981 a 2016

Jordi Aparicio.
Sotsoficial Cap d’Àrea a Bombers de Barcelona de 1978 a 2012

Núria Molina.
Cap de Sector Sanitari a Bombers de Barcelona des de 1986

Eduard Salvador
Bomber a Bombers de Barcelona de 1981 a 2018

The images depicted on this project may be subject to copyright or other rights and conditions of use. To guarantee the rights of intellectual property and exploitation of images, reproduction requests for commercial, publication and dissemination purposes should be requested directly to the archive center where the information is preserved.

This website complies with the requirements set forth in the Legal Notice of Espai Bombers