What Is Pop Thinking?
Where: Palau de la Virreina
La Rambla, 99

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What Is Pop Thinking?
What Is Pop Thinking?

What Is Pop Thinking?
Laurent de Sutter


Thursday, 28 January, 7 pm
Online talk in English

De Sutter defines pop thinking as An Eroticism of Truth”, which starts from Deleuzian writing to establish a typology of contemporary cultural and subcultural productions.

Laurent de Sutter (Brussels, 1977), a French-speaking Belgian philosopher, is a professor of Law Theory at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He has published a dozen books of thought, including Narcocapitalism, Qu’est-ce que la pop’philosophie? and Indignation totale. He is the editor of several collections at Presses Universitaires de France and Polity Press.

Part of Ordinary Disorder.

Laurent de Sutter
Laurent de Sutter