Institutional Declaration of the 41 councilors of the Barcelona City Council on the invasion of Ukraine

25/02/2022 - 11:16 h

Jorge Luis Fuentealba Diez

The declaration was made with the unanimity of all the groups that make up the Plenary of the Barcelona City Council.

The Full Municipal Council Meeting of February, held on February 25, began with an institutional declaration from Barcelona City Council’s 41 councillors condemning the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine and calling for a dialogue to put an end to the situation. Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, read the declaration in the Saló de Cent hall.

Text of the Declaration

Given the gravity of the situation caused by the invasion of Ukraine, it is in the name of the Full Barcelona Municipal Council Meeting, with all the political party groups making it up acting in unison, that we issue the following institutional declaration:

  1. We strongly condemn the military invasion of Ukraine ordered by the government of the Russian Federation, as it constitutes a flagrant violation of human rights and international law, having grave consequences both regionally and globally, which its perpetrators must take full responsibility for. We call for an end to the hostilities and the for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.
  2. We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and wish to convey our full sympathy with and support for Barcelona’s Ukrainian community.
  3. We give our support to the EU’s reaction to this conflict, in defence of peace and democratic principles and values.
  4. Barcelona is a city of peace that has always rejected war. Faithful to this tradition, we call for dialogue and advocate working, with speed, for a diplomatic solution that puts an end to this invasion that has been causing such great suffering to millions of people.