Field work gets under way for the Barcelona Health Survey 2021

24/02/2021 - 17:04

Health. Conducted every five years, the survey is a key tool for planning health policies.

The Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) has started its field work for the Barcelona Health Survey 2021, which is produced every five years and provides important information on people’s life conditions and health. The survey is a key tool for planning health policies in the city.

Throughout the year, staff trained by Gesop will be conducting 4,000 surveys among Barcelona residents notified beforehand by letter. The surveys are to be conducted in person, in the home of the person selected, using an electronic recording device and following all the prevention measures for Covid-19.

The ESB 2021 consists of three types of questionnaires: one for adults aged 15 and over, another indirect one for people who cannot respond on their own and a third one for children and teenagers under 15. This year’s edition includes new questions on topics such as food, loneliness, violence, suicide, gaming and other matters relating to Covid-19.

Those conducting the survey are duly identified with accreditation from the Barcelona Public Health Agency and Barcelona City Council. In addition, participants with any doubts can call 900 901 900 or get information by calling 010.

New FRESC 2021 survey for teenage students

The ASPB are also conducting survey on risk factors for secondary school students (FRESC), which will analyse the replies of 3,000 young people between the ages of 13 and 19. The information will gauge behaviour and attitudes linked to health among the adolescent population at schools in Barcelona, as well as their social determinants.