How to find out about the existence of pests in the city?

07/08/2023 - 14:00

Health. Citizens have several communication channels at their disposal for finding out about the presence of pests such as rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes in public thoroughfares.

Citizens have several communication channels at their disposal for finding out about the presence of pests such as rats, cockroaches and mosquitoes in public thoroughfares.

The arrival of good weather and hotter months comes with a greater presence of pests and more intense pest activity. Hence the intensified vigilance and control of pests in public thoroughfares during the period this year, as well as the extra teams deployed for such work. To find out about the existence of pests in public thoroughfares or the city’s network of sewers, citizen have several communication channels at their disposal: by telephone, calling freephone 010; face to face, at a Citizen Help and Information Office (OAC), or online, through the online action services or Barcelona a la Butxaca [Barcelona in your pocket] app.

The Urban Pest Vigilance and Control Service (SVIPLA) at the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) watches out for and controls pests in public thoroughfares and the public network of sewers throughout the year. It is in the framework of these tasks that it manages reports from citizens through the City Council’s communication channels. They are all attended to, an inspection is made in the area for assessing the situation, the appropriate measures are applied in each case and continued until the issue is resolved.

You can find explanatory materials on the ASPB website with information on the vigilance and control programmes for various species, as well as tips for preventing pests from proliferating.