Measures for Covid-19: gatherings of ten people, closing times of half past midnight and mobility at night

19/08/2021 - 13:27

COVID-19. Night-time mobility in the city of Barcelona will be unrestricted from 20 August.

Night-time mobility in the city of Barcelona will be unrestricted from 20 August, while the latest closing time for restaurants and cultural activities will be 0.30 am. Social gatherings are limited to ten people, whether indoors or outdoors, except for people in the same bubble group. Information updated on 2nd September.

Social gatherings

  • Gatherings should not exceed groups of 10 people, indoors or outdoors.
  • Indoor gatherings should be avoided where possible, and visits to dependent people limited.
  • No eating or drinking is allowed outdoors, except in cases of school outings or recreational leisure activities.

Closing times

  • Commercial, cultural and leisure activities must end or close at 0.30 am at the latest.
  • In the case of cultural activities, music, performing arts, popular and traditional events, an additional 30 minutes is allowed for people to leave.

Mobility restricted at night

  • Barcelona is one of the municipalities where no curfew will apply as from 20 August.

Parks, beaches and public squares

  • Municipal councils are advised to limit access to parks, beaches and other outdoor public spaces between 0.30 am and 6 am, to avoid build-ups of people.

Use of face masks

Their use is still recommended outdoors and they are still obligatory in the following cases:

  • On public transport in enclosed spaces. This includes stations and platforms.
  • In public indoor spaces such as libraries and other facilities.
  • In indoor spaces used by the public such as shopping centres.
  • Workers and visitors to elderly people’s homes must wear a face mask, except at centres where 80% of residents have been fully vaccinated.


  • As from 9 July, indoor-only nightlife venues are shut.
  • Dancing is not allowed.
  • Establishments with outdoor spaces such as terraces can open with controlled access and a register of people accessing the premises, keeping indoor spaces open only for access to other outdoor spaces or the toilets.
  • Groups of 10 people maximum and distancing of 1.5 metres between groups.
  • Closing time 0.30 am at the latest.


  • Capacity: 50% indoors and 100% for terraces.
  • Maximum of six people per table indoors and ten outdoors.
  • Distances of 2 metres between tables.
  • Face mask obligatory when not eating or drinking.


  • Opening times: 6 am to 10 pm. Convenience stores and other authorised establishments until 0.30 am.
  • Capacity 70%.
  • Non-sedentary markets and fairs limited to 70% capacity.


  • At facilities with an authorised capacity of more than 15,000 people, 20% of that capacity is allowed as long as independent sections are created for a maximum of up to 3,000 people (eateries, toilets and access points must also be independent), and measures implemented on circulation and controlled access to avoid build-ups of people. A declaration of compliance must be presented to the Ministry for Culture and the corresponding municipal council.
  • For all other activities, the maximum capacity continues to be 70% and 1,000 people in indoor spaces, and 3,000 people in outdoor spaces or places with extra ventilation.
  • Controlled access, control of crowding and the assignation of reserved seating are obligatory
  • Eateries in establishments is allowed, complying with the established measures for restaurants, including at concert venues, café concerts theatre concerts and restaurants with music.
  • All cultural activities outside the usual programme are permitted.
  • In all cases, audiences must be seated.
  • Cultural activities with people attending are allowed in archives, libraries, museums, exhibition venues, art galleries and visual creation centres, with capacity limited to 70%.
  • Popular and traditional culture activities must be in one place, with a perimeter, or in an enclosed space with spectators seated.
  • Local festivals, celebrations and other popular festivals are allowed, providing there is no crowding and limits on capacity are respected.


  • Sports facilities and swimming pools: 70% capacity and controlled access.
  • Indoor and outdoor group sports activities can operate with 70%, capacity.
  • Federated sport competitions: public allowed to attend, with 70% capacity and a maximum number of spectators of 1,000 indoors and 3,000 outdoors. Sports facilities with a capacity greater than 15,000 people can operate, without exceeding 20% capacity.
  • Professional LFP football league and ACB basketball league competitions: public allowed to attend.
  • Bar and restaurants services at sports venues allowed to operate.

Gambling activities

  • Amusement arcades, casinos and bingo halls may open with capacity limited to 70%, up to a maximum of 500 people indoors and 1,000 outdoors.
  • Groups of 10 people maximum and distancing of 2 metres between groups.

Education and leisure for children and young people

  • On-site study is allowed for all regulated study programmes.
  • Capacities at universities will be 50%.
  • End-of-year parties and graduation of non-university students: maximum of 500 people seated in outdoor spaces, or 250 people seated indoors.
  • University graduations: capacity of 70% and a maximum of 1,000 people indoors and 3,000 people outdoors.
  • Extra-curricular and educational leisure activities are allowed in groups of infants, primary, secondary, baccalaureate and training cycles, as well as inclusive leisure cycles.
  • Non-regulated on-site training: groups of 10 people.
  • Leisure centres and indoor children’s parks: with 50% capacity. Bar and restaurant services on these premises are allowed to operate.

Religious and civil ceremonies

  • Capacities will be 70% and a maximum of 1,000 people inside and 3,000 people outside, or in indoor spaces with extra ventilation.

Congresses, conventions, trade fairs and local festivals

  • Conventions and trade fair activities allowed with a capacity of 70% and a maximum of 1,000 people indoors and 3,000 people outdoors or indoor spaces with extra ventilation.

Amusment parks and fairs

  • Parks, amusement parks and leisure activities: 50% capacity and restaurant services allowed.

Full information in the DOGC.