Registration for summer schools and activities starts on 2 April

26/03/2024 - 10:04

Children and teenagers. The “T’estiu molt” campaign offers 360,200 places for children and teenagers between the ages of 1 and 17.

The list of “T’estiu molt” summer holiday activities has now been published, offering families 360,200 places and 1,087 summer activities for young people between the ages of 1 and 17 who are registered as living in Barcelona. Registration and the application procedure for subsidies starts on 2 April.

The thousand plus activities in the municipal campaign “T’estiu molt”, which runs from 22 June to 6 September, includes summer nursery schools, camps, summer stays, trips outside Catalonia, routes, sports schools, the Campus Olímpia programme, performing arts workshops, English courses and family activities.

The programme involves 270 organisations that have completed a certification process to ensure they meet the requisites, for instance offering a broad range of options, providing a good balance between quality and price and a suitable monitor-participant ratio.

The summer holiday campaign also facilitates access to activities for all children and teenagers in the city thanks to 5.1 million euros in subsidies for families who for financial or personal reasons need special support to access activities.

The work planned to implement the climate plan in 24 schools will not affect summer activities.